Questo era ciò di cui la nostra ragazza aveva bisogno
My name is Nadia, I am 40 years old and I am from Romania.
I found out about ABR therapy on the internet and I was amazed to find a new approach to neuromotor rehabilitation!
I read everything I found about ABR and it convinced me that that was what our little girl needed!
We started working ABR with our daughter Lorena four years ago when she was 8 years old.
The ABR Belgium team assessed Lorena, a great team. It was a complex assessment, one like we never had before! Lorena’s condition at that time was very severe, she had an extreme weakness and breathing difficulties!
I knew from the very beginning that it would take a long time to rebuild and strengthen the body structure, but by understanding the principles of ABR therapy, we understood what would happen and I was patient. I worked a lot, but the results are wonderful and lasting!
The quality of our girl’s life has changed a lot, for a parent this means the world. Lorena’s breathing improved a lot, the joints are much more mobile, the muscles are more relaxed and the trunk is much stronger, the bones are much stronger. With ABR the changes are coming from the inside of the body!
ABR has become a lifestyle for us, it is part of the daily routine!
We will continue this therapy and we look forward to new work materials!