Funzioni: perché ABR NON si concentra direttamente su di esse?
Functions: why does ABR NOT focus directly on them?
Goal of ABR
In order for the body to carry out sustainable true functions, it is important to start building the structure of the body correctly from being a child. The goal of ABR is to build a strong structure of the child’s body so that it is able to handle the adult body in the future.
A weak foundation of the body is unable to provide any function correctly. Therefore, a true and proper function can only be made when the basic structure of the body is strong enough.
What do you want as a parent?
As a parent, you want your child to develop following the accurate ‘curve of development’ whilst you aim for the next milestone/the next function. Most parents work hard to gain progress via training, therapy etc. However, there is constant fear and pressure of feeling your child is moving further away from the normal development curve.
Certainly, in the beginning, you just want to keep this distance as minimum as possible, and you may search hard for new therapies or strategies without a real understanding of what the most important thing to do is. The answer is simple, you must allow your child to build a strong structure of the body before you can gain long term functions.
Understanding the body of OUR children
In general, all of our children have a weak structure to begin with. When you start with general therapies, it allows you to start to build functions despite the weak structure of the body and you may celebrate some- ‘fake’ functions.
However, your child does not stop growing and they will gain more weight. The different proportions of the body will start to change, and the structure needs to adjust. Sadly, this is when the more serious problems begin. The structure is not automatically strengthening but rather starts to weaken due to the load of growth and weight. Furthermore, tissues of the body which have been forced to form to help support the ‘fake’ functions will eventually- usually after puberty, show some kind of fatigue. The structure cannot hold and therefore will collapse.
Parents work hard for years in order to gain milestones and true functions. Unfortunately, without realizing that most of the functions were ‘fake’ functions, which no longer work as they were based on a weak structure. This can be a huge disappointment. This is usually the moment when parents turn to ABR Therapy.
What can ABR offer?
ABR Therapy uses a long-term strategy which is focused to help build sustainable future functions based on a true and strong structure. This results in a well-organized system which is able to handle a full-grown body.